Uploading Instructions
We recommend a file-size between 500KB and 5MB - saved as compressed high-quality jpg. The image-width of large pieces of art should be about 1900px.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: png jpg jpeg.
Images must be smaller than 5000x5000 pixels.
Files must be less than 128 MB.
Allowed file types: mp3.
Note: Best supported video codec is H.264 (MPEG-4). The size should not exceed 1024x780px (max is 1920x1080px). Videos using H.265 or with a higher resolution will not be displayed correctly on various devices.
Files must be less than 128 MB.
Allowed file types: mov mp4.
_3D model:
We strongly recommend to keep the file size of sculptures as low as possible.
Files must be less than32 MB.
Allowed file types: obj mtl gltf glb.